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Published: 19 May 2024 Online Health condition Diagnosis result

Pre-surgery testing is very individualized.

For example, plastic surgeons may test for nicotine prior to surgery. This is because smoking and other types of nicotine use are known to increase scarring and delay wound healing.1 If you test positive for nicotine prior to plastic surgery, the surgeon may not perform the procedure.These tests range from body scans to blood tests, from the invasive to the barely noticeable.
Every surgery is different, just as every patient is different. So, the tests your surgeon orders may be different from the tests described here, or you may have more tests than the average patient. If you need surgery, or your healthcare provider thinks you may need surgery, different tests may be ordered to determine the exact nature of the problem as well as your general state of health.

Homocysteine is an amino acid in our bodies. It can help to predict the onset of type 2 diabetes. High blood homocysteine levels can damage the arteries' linings or cause the blood to clot more easily than it should.
C-reactive protein.
C-reactive protein is an indicator of inflammation in the body. Systemic inflammation has emerged as a powerful predictor of degenerative diseases affecting the heart, eyes, and mind. And it can draw attention to disease processes long before they become symptomatic.High levels can be problematic, indicating higher risks for heart attack, poor mental function, and bone fracture.