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Published: 19 May 2024 How to hide credentials in cloud cloud

Enhance data protection and compliance with Skater Private Keys Depot.
With Skater Private Keys Depot, Rustemsoft doesn't see or extract your keys. Monitor and audit your key use with Skater logging or your security information and event management solution for more analysis and threat detection.Secure key management is essential to protect data in the cloud. Use Skater Private Keys Depot to encrypt keys and small secrets like passwords that use keys stored in hardware security modules.

You can manage keys by using online interface. Also, you can manipulate your stored keys inside your application source code.Managed Private Keys Depot provide an automatically managed secret Key in Skater Private Keys Depot for applications to use when connecting to specific resources. Applications can use managed Skater Depot to obtain Keys without having to manage any credentials. Skater Private Keys that are managed identically, rule out the need for developers to manipulate with these credentials. First, we must warn that Skater Private Keys Depot system is useful for .NET apps only. A usual problem for developers is managing secret keys used to protect communication between applications and services. App developers can safely add the keys into Skater Private Keys Depot, and then apps can access Skater Private Keys Depot to retrieve stored credentials.