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Published: 17 Sep 2024 Diagnosis Symptom Checker test analysis reference

We have created a sample 'Diagnosis API' collection for you.
This will depend on the accuracy of the diagnoses obtained. The collection located: The collection includes some endpoints and predefined requests that you can extend. By entering and identified the tests values you can send (POST) both Symptoms and Tests lists to Also the patient has list of implemented Lab Test Procedures: ALT, Amalyse, AST, Total Bilirubin, GT Chlamydia, Appearance Urine, and ABO grouping. Diagnosis API is available as the Postman collection. Let's assume we have a patient, suffering from strong smell urine, frequent urination and yellow skin. It allows you to test the API in seconds. Each observation is represented by a unique ID; in this case the symptom IDs are 164, 151 and 200, respectively. Then GET Possible Health Conditions from the Diagnosis API.
In order to achieve best results and enable more features of the API, you have to provide as many test result and symptoms as possible.

It allows you to test the API in seconds. Let's assume we have a patient, suffering from strong smell urine, frequent urination and yellow skin. Also the patient has list of implemented Lab Test Procedures: ALT, Amalyse, AST, Total Bilirubin, GT Chlamydia, Appearance Urine, and ABO grouping. The collection includes some endpoints and predefined requests that you can extend. Diagnosis API is available as the Postman collection. We have created a sample 'Diagnosis API' collection for you. This will depend on the accuracy of the diagnoses obtained. The collection located: Each observation is represented by a unique ID; in this case the symptom IDs are 164, 151 and 200, respectively. By entering and identified the tests values you can send (POST) both Symptoms and Tests lists to Then GET Possible Health Conditions from the Diagnosis API.
In order to achieve best results and enable more features of the API, you have to provide as many test result and symptoms as possible.