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Published: 14 Jan 2024 Best Medical AI online web-app with API interface rangelabtest

By testing the DDxHub Diagnosis System you can see how global companies, as well as startups, have used it to enhance their business and support surrounding their patients and healthcare organizations.

When you transmit to our web service a basic patient health data (such as Blood test results and symptoms), our AI inference engine will analyze the data and provide you with a list of the most likely health conditions. SmrtX provides an API (Application Programming Interface) for patient preliminary medical diagnosis that can help you implement an intelligent symptom checker and Lab Test analyzer for your healthcare medical application.When you incorporate Diagnosis API within your healthcare web-application it will have the same functionalities like presented in DDxHub Diagnosis System ( This is an alive example of implementation. We get this according to the complex statistical algorithms we use to make medical diagnosis.
Learn Diagnosis API:

Often powered by AI, it analyzes patient data inputs (like demographics, symptoms, and lab tests) or automatically extracts clinical features from electronic health records. The engine links patient information with pieces of content in the knowledge base and returns a list of likely conditions (preliminary diagnosis), care suggestions (triage), or both.But first, let's examine the main parts and core functionality of diagnosis API that can be integrated into a hospital's daily workflow.
DDxHub API is not here to put real physicians out of work. Typically, diagnosis API includes two major components.
A knowledge base. Their mission is to keep patients better informed about the possible roots of their conditions and provide clinicians with decision support. The content is constantly reviewed and updated by medical professionals.
A diagnostic engine. How do healthcare organizations quickly implement such tools in their daily practice? The answer is clear and short - via APIs (application programming interfaces). It contains data on conditions, diseases, and treatment procedures. This is an overview of available diagnosis API along with their primary use cases.