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Published: 2 Feb 2025 How to protect Private Keys on cloud depot type

Protect Private Keys in Skater .NET Depot

Precautionary Measures:

To safeguard private keys stored in Skater .NET Depot, which holds .NET application components (assemblies, libraries, resources), implement the following measures:

* Obfuscate key-related code within your application to hinder reverse-engineering and key extraction.
* Utilize anti-debugging and anti-tampering features to prevent unauthorized access and tampering with keys at runtime.

Skater .NET Obfuscator Features:

Skater .NET Obfuscator provides robust protection for sensitive information:

* Code Obfuscation: Obfuscate key initialization and usage logic, making it challenging for attackers to extract private keys.
* Anti-Debugging and Anti-Tampering: Prevent runtime attempts to access or manipulate keys.